Taking the Plunge
You want to do what? After a casual conversation with a resident, Life Enrichment Coordinator Monica Febry hatched the idea of taking part of our family on a swim date. The topic was met with incredible enthusiasm and then the reality of the above question began to surface, no pun intended. However, by taking the activity to the deep end of planning, discussion and safety preparations, this favorite past time became an unbelievably rewarding event. The sensation of floating relatively weightlessly was liberating and therapeutic; the unbridled giggles were an unanticipated bonus therapy.
The son of a swimmer commented in a delightful letter to our community, “Like a scene out of the movie “Cocoon” the water seem to lighten spirits and rejuvenate all. My wife said that as she watched that she was almost moved to tears; so many good feelings and memories surrounding water returned in each of our minds.” He wrote on, as I was leaving one of the team members pushing a resident in a wheelchair commented; ” I think the team had as much or more fun than the residents.”
This project proved what is possible when a determined team uses it’s powers for good!
Quality Care: We will dedicate ourselves to provide personalized care and services that achieve extraordinary results and exceed the expectations of those we serve.
By: Brian Stephenson, Maintenance Director, Highland Park Care Center, Alliance NE